Press and Media
Felicity regularly features in major press outlets including the Australian Financial Review, ABC News, Sky News, the Australian newspaper.
For media enquiries contact Scott Eathorne on 0418 475 801 or
Radio National Drive - Tech Head
Changing language around engineering to better entice creative women
Felicity Furey always believed engineering required days spent behind a desk calculating mathematical equations whilst wearing a tradies uniform.
After being nudged to consider the career path by her high school physics teacher, she discovered engineering allowed her to reshape and problem solve world issues in a creative way. Listen here.
Engineers Australia Centenary Hero
See how passionate STEM advocate Felicity Furey has encouraged hundreds of young people, particularly young women, into engineering careers with her company Power of Engineering.
Watch as Felicity and the Power of Engineering team inspire female high school students about engineering on a behind the scenes tour at Qantas and the A380 hangar!
ABC News
Push for women to help solve engineer shortage
Australia's infrastructure plans, new space agency and defence projects could all be in jeopardy unless a severe shortage in the number of homegrown engineers is reversed.
Australian Financial Review
Engineering change by creating a vision and getting people on board
Sometimes influence is hard to measure but Felicity Briody can almost see it happening in front of her eyes when she talks to school students about a career in engineering.
Who Create’s the World? Engineers!
by felicity furey
We don’t often stop to think how amazing it is that clean water flows from our taps, a toilet flushing magically takes away our waste, satellites buzz around planet Earth to facilitate google maps or electricity turns on at the flick of a switch.
Our convenient world just… works. And it is all thanks to engineers. March 4th marks the first International World Engineering Day and it is an occasion to celebrate engineers.
ABC News 24
Australia's infrastructure plans, new space agency and defence projects could all be in jeopardy unless a severe shortage in the number of homegrown engineers is reversed.
Felicity gives her perspective on ABC News 24 about co-founding Power of Engineering and how it works to inspire more women into engineering.
The laser focus of BOSS Young Executives
To be the one who makes the final call day in and day out takes a certain type of confidence. Felicity Furey, believes backing yourself is the most crucial aspect of leadership.
“This isn’t about being corny, it’s about knowing what you know and making a decision,” she says. “It took starting a not-for-profit organisation for me to realise how beneficial taking risks and backing myself was to all aspects of my life.”
Same same or different? Women in STEM: an international perspective
BY Vietnam Television corporation
Does Vietnam have the same challenges as Australia in encouraging women into STEM? What about gender norms and cultural biases? Find out in Felicity’s interview on Vietnam’s national broadcaster VTC.
To celebrate Gender Month in Vietnam Felicity was invited by the Australian Embassy and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for the Youth Leadership Speaker Series run by Social Good Outpost.
Pro Bono News
Engineering a Difference
Female engineers are few and far between but this is something a trio of female civil engineers turned social entrepreneurs are hoping to change.
There have been more than a few occasions where Felicity Furey felt she didn’t quite fit in.
STEM can help us prepare for an unknown future
by her place women’s museum australia
We don’t often stop to think how amazing it is that clean water flows from our taps, a toilet flushing magically takes away our waste, satellites buzz around planet Earth to facilitate google maps or electricity turns on at the flick of a switch.
Our convenient world just… works. And it is all thanks to engineers. March 4th marks the first International World Engineering Day and it is an occasion to celebrate engineers.
Listen Here! To Podcasts
Reimagining Engineering
Conversations from the World Engineers Convention
More than 3000 engineers from around the world descended on Melbourne for the World Engineers Convention, hosted by Engineers Australia. Known as the Olympics of Engineering, the convention is held every four years and this year marks the first time it has ever been held in Australia.
Engineering Reimagined established a recording studio in the exhibition hall of the event and we captured some fascinating conversations, highlights of which are featured in this special bonus episode.
The Campus Experience
Leadership, Calculated risks, Self Belief, finding mentors
Check out our interview where we discuss:
- Felicity’s first steps into leadership;
- The moment The Power of Engineering was born;
- Taking calculated risks & finding funding;
- Seeking support from mentors & the power of personal branding (through speaking engagements);
- Resilience & self-belief stemming from being 1 of just 12 women in an engineering class of 120 during her studies at QUT & then hearing "careful... she could 'influence' you" from a colleague after winning the AFR Top 100 Women of Influence award!
Humans of Purpose
Podcast Episode #69 guest is the stellar Felicity Furey. She’s Co-Founder of Power of Engineering and Machinam. She’s a social entrepreneur, engineer, and sought after speaker. In the conversation, you’ll hear all about the fierce work she is doing in STEM and education spaces.
Felicity agrees that there is a lack of diversity in the STEM world. In her work as an engineer, she says that she can generally anticipate to be the only female out of 13 professionals in a meeting. Seeing the reports of such an imbalance in gender equality within the field, she decided to lead a movement to make a change.