Is this a good time?

When is it a good time to launch a business, change jobs, get married or have a baby? Is there a ggod time or a right time?

My good mate Alysha Herrmann once said ‘There is always a good time!’ - I didn’t believe her when she said this to me with a beaming smile. 

I always seemed to have an exciting project to work on, a career goal to achieve. I wasn’t sure how I’d find time or be accomplished enough in my career to take ‘time out’ for a baby. 

In 2019 I’d really got on a roll with my speaking work expanding, an exciting leadership opportunity in my day job, working on a dream project creating a TV documentary and many ‘yeses’ to new and exciting projects. Making time for a baby brought up a lot of FOMO.

So turns out there is a global pandemic so there is zero FOMO from going to events and speaking. My speaking work and the interstate projects I said yes to (ones that I was going to take a 6 or 8 week old baby to) have all moved online or been postponed. My husband is working from home and I am forced to slow down, be present and enjoy this precious time. It has definitely been the right time. 

Have you been waiting for a good time or the right time to really go for something that is important to you. 

Why wait?

Felicity Furey